


为了克服传统引流砂对钢水的污染, 提出一种采用与钢液成分相同或相近的Fe-C合金代替引流砂, 通过电磁感应加热使其熔化实现自动开浇的电磁引流方法. 利用实验和数值模拟研究了电磁引流装置中水口表面温度随时间的变化规律, 模拟结果与实验结果相吻合. 在此基础上, 考察了感应加热参数(电流强度、电源频率)和感应线圈直径对出钢效果的影响规律, 得出电流强度越大, 电源频率越高, 线圈直径越小, 加热到相同温度所需要的加热时间越短, 越有利于快速加热, 实现顺利出钢的结论. 各因素对出钢时间影响大小的顺序是: 电流强度、电源频率、线圈直径. 找出了可以满足出钢要求的最佳电流强度、电源频率和线圈直径参数, 实验验证了电磁引流技术可以在工艺要求的条件下完成出钢.

A new method (electromagnetic steel-teeming method) using electromagnetic induction heating in slide-gate was proposed to overcome the disadvantage of the pollution of the traditional nozzle sand on the molten steel. The basic idea of this new process is to melt part of or the whole of the new ladle well-packing materials (i.e. Fe-C alloy with similar composition of the molten steel), which became the substitute of the traditional nozzle sand, and achieved smoothly molten steel-teeming. Experimental and numerical simulation methods were employed to investigate the surface temperature of the upper nozzle where the Fe-C alloy was used to replace the traditional nozzle sand. The calculated temperature is consistent with the experimental results. In addition, the effects of the induction parameters such as current intensity, frequency and diameter of the coil on teeming time were investigated. The results showed that the teeming time was decreased with the increases of current intensity and frequency, but with the decrease of coil diameter. The order of the factors affecting the teeming time is current intensity, frequency and diameter of the coil. The best parameters were found under the conditions of this research. The experimental results indicated that automatically teeming of the ladle would be achieved by using the electromagnetic steel-teeming technology.


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